Instant astral travel – myth or reality?
Instant astral travel is definitely possible with the help of modern technology. However, if you want to be self-reliant, you have a lot of work to do before you can achieve that.
Many students of astral projection complain of falling asleep while they are doing the regular relaxation, meditation, and focus that is required of them. Many of them give up precisely because of the tremendous willpower required to stay awake and conscious when completely relaxed. But thanks to binaural hits, such students can enjoy instant stargazing.
Here is a simple explanation of Binaural Beats for those who have never heard of it. To understand the work of these rhythms, you must first understand that everything in the world exists on certain frequencies. Our senses are not sharp enough to pick up on these frequencies. But modern physics has proven the existence of these frequencies beyond any doubt. Our mind, body, and consciousness vibrate at a different frequency when we travel astrally.
Binaural beats serve the purpose of altering the listener’s state of consciousness and putting him or her into a state of mind favorable to instant astral travel.
You need headphones to listen to the beats in both ears. When you are listening to them, you simply need to lie back, relax and focus on the beats. Simply imagine how wonderful it would be to leave your body. Soon, you will be in a state of awareness conducive to astral projection. The result will be an OOBE experience!
While using binaural beats, you must remember that these are only tools that will help you reach the astral realms in your astral weakness. They cannot, on their own, help you gain instant astral projection. You need to combine listening to these tones with relaxation and meditation techniques.
To be very honest, instant astral travel is not a myth. But avoid any desire for an immediate OOBE on your first try. You will be able to instantly travel outside your body at will only after you gain a certain level of experience in the art of leaving your body.
Therefore, hard work and practice are the key to instant astral travel. Binaural beats act as stimuli; But even with them, you must have consistency and practice. Astral projection is something that cannot be rushed. The best option is to enjoy your attempts at astral travel rather than get stressed or upset that you haven’t been able to astral venture despite many attempts.